The Sparrows


This is the first post on ‘The Singing Sparrows’, and we feel that we should introduce ourselves to you 🙂

We are a group of sparrows.

Sparrows are the most common house birds in this world.

They chirp

They smile

They fly far and wide

They are home makers

They love family


They can Sing!

My sparrows here are the House wives and home makers who have spent all their life taking care of their little or Big families spending not much time on singing their own songs.

Most of these women are not able to take out time for themselves and study the basics of a language other than their mother tongue which comes to them naturally.

I am trying to help them to learn the basics of English Language through small easily understandable exercises that make learning fun for them, and trust me after two weeks with the bunch that I have around, it is such a break for all of us to come together and learn something new.

On this page I invite Home makers from all across the globe to contribute towards making my little sparrows sing their song and add their own songs along the way.

Being a student I would love to Encourage more students like me to take out an hour from their daily lives and go find a bunch of sparrows near you and help them with their songs.

” We all are a box of treasure that needs to be opened and shared.”


Lets Sing together 🙂
